The Research Review Board of K J Somaiya College of Physiotherapy is designed to facilitate and encourage faculty and student research. Research is encouraged in all fields of Physiotherapy :
- Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
- Neuromuscular Physiotherapy
- Community Physiotherapy
- Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy
The teams are faculty members specialized in the above branches of physiotherapy. Each researcher is thus guided aptly and completely for the research undertaken.
The Research Review Board of the College comprises two teams of faculty, one for the undergraduate students’ and faculty research. The other for the postgraduate students’ research.
The Research Review Board/s meets regularly with the researcher, with their guide/s (as needed ) to review and guide the various research projects undertaken by the students and faculty.
An individual meeting is held with each researcher/s. A brief overview of the research project is discussed and queries that may arise during the research process are addressed to.
The researcher can also approach the Research Review Board any other time during the research process, as needed. This ensures that the research is not only conducted ethically but also gets completed in the stipulated time.

Committee Members
Undergraduate Research Review Board

Dr. Shweta Manwadkar (PT)
Principal and Member Secretary
Dr. Shweta Manwadkar (PT) is the Principal and Professor of K J Somaiya College of Physiotherapy. She graduated from LTM Medical College and achieved postgraduation in “PT in cardiovascular and respiratory diseases” from Seth G.S. Medical college and KEM Hospital . Her vast experience of treating patients in the ICU , wards and OPDs and her passion for teaching proves beneficial in imparting theory and practical knowledge to students.
Dr. Shweta Manwadkar (PT) is grateful for the opportunity of this role and the trust and the cooperation of the teaching and non teaching staff, through which she can ensure developing each student into a highly skilled professional and a compassionate human being. With her constant efforts and with excellent management support, the college has expanded its reach. The undergraduate student strength is increased from 40 to 100, Post graduate from 15 to 24. PhD students too are admitted.
Her vision is aligned with the institute vision and mission of “Excellence in education and service” and she and her dedicated team keeps taking committed actions in that direction and keep achieving higher levels of success ongoingly.

Dr. Geeta Bhatt (PT)
Professor elected by institution
Geeta Bhatt is the Professor and Head of Department, Neuro Physiotherapy. She has been associated with K.J. Somaiya College of Physiotherapy since its inception in 2002. She has specialized in Neuropediatric Physiotherapy management. She teaches the undergraduate as well as post graduate program at the Institute. She has won the Somaiya Award for Promising Faculty. She is also the PhD coordinator. She is a part of many committees like Administrative committee Grievance committee, Undergraduate Research Committee

Dr. Khyati Kothary (PT)
Professor Elected by the institution
She is the Professor and Head of the Department of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiotherapy. She has been working in this institute since 2005. She is a part of many committees in the Institute such as Examination Committee, Finance Committee, Administration committee, Undergraduate Research committee. She is also the Interns Incharge and Coordinator for the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the Institute. She is one of the members in leading the process for National Assessment and Accredition council for the Institute.

Dr. Priti Mehendale (PT)
Professor Elected by the institution
Professor in Kinesiotherapy, has over 14 years of academic and clinical experience.A university recognised PG guide and examiner, she is in charge of the post graduate physical therapy program at KJ Somaiya College of Physiotherapy. She is also In- charge-Sports as well as the Niramay (super speciality) OPD at KJ Somaiya College of Physiotherapy. She is Co- Coordinator of NAAC & IQAC Committees. She is also a part of the Academic Committee, UG and Allied Research Committee and Students' Council. She is currently pursuing PhD in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy from Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat.

Dr. Pothiraj Pitchai (PT)
Professor Elected by the institution
Completed graduation from The Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai (2000) and post-graduation in Masters of Geriatric Physiotherapy from MAHER University, Chennai (2007). Holding seven years of clinical experience from various superspecialty hospitals and joined in academics since 2007. Currently, is HOD of Department of Community Physiotherapy at K J Somaiya College of Physiotherapy. His keen interest is in working with elderly population for fall prevention program and community out-reach program.
He was part of a numerous multispecialty camp and conducted various physiotherapy awareness camps for urban, rural and tribal populations. His expertise includes chronic pain management, arthritis rehabilitation, fall prevention program, community based rehabilitation and environmental assessment and modifications. His role involves in teaching, training and mentoring undergraduates and post-graduates’ students. Passionate in clinical research and conducted a wide range of research projects within Community Physiotherapy and teaching and learning domains.
Postgraduate Research Review Board

Dr. Shweta Manwadkar (PT)
Principal and Member Secretary
Dr. Shweta Manwadkar (PT) is the Principal and Professor of K J Somaiya College of Physiotherapy. She graduated from LTM Medical College and achieved postgraduation in “PT in cardiovascular and respiratory diseases” from Seth G.S. Medical college and KEM Hospital . Her vast experience of treating patients in the ICU , wards and OPDs and her passion for teaching proves beneficial in imparting theory and practical knowledge to students.
Dr. Shweta Manwadkar (PT) is grateful for the opportunity of this role and the trust and the cooperation of the teaching and non teaching staff, through which she can ensure developing each student into a highly skilled professional and a compassionate human being. With her constant efforts and with excellent management support, the college has expanded its reach. The undergraduate student strength is increased from 40 to 100, Post graduate from 15 to 24. PhD students too are admitted.
Her vision is aligned with the institute vision and mission of “Excellence in education and service” and she and her dedicated team keeps taking committed actions in that direction and keep achieving higher levels of success ongoingly.

Dr. Annamma Varghese (PT)
Professor Elected by the institution
Completed graduation and post graduation in Physical Therapy from Seth G.S. Medical College and KEM Hospital with EMG & Electrodiagnosis as the PG elective subject. Clinical experience at KEM Hospital from 1986 to 1999. Was appointed as Lecturer in PT School and Centre from 1993 to 1999. Started the PG programme at Dr M V Shetty College of Physiotherapy, Mangalore, in 2001 and continued for two years as PG Director.
In 2003, joined MGM College of Physiotherapy as Professor and Principal. Established the college and continued for four years, following which she joined K.J. Somaiya College of Physiotherapy as Professor in July 2007. Currently is HOD of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy department, MUHS recognised PG and PhD guide and routinely performs EMG/ NC diagnostic studies. Keeps herself updated with the newer therapeutic modalities and interventions to better address impairments and activity limitations due to various musculoskeletal conditions. She is also very interested in clinical and educational research and tries to facilitate it whenever possible.

Dr. Pothiraj Pitchai (PT)
Professor Elected by the institution
Completed graduation from The Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai (2000) and post-graduation in Masters of Geriatric Physiotherapy from MAHER University, Chennai (2007). Holding seven years of clinical experience from various superspecialty hospitals and joined in academics since 2007. Currently, is HOD of Department of Community Physiotherapy at K J Somaiya College of Physiotherapy.
His keen interest is in working with elderly population for fall prevention program and community out-reach program. He was part of a numerous multispecialty camp and conducted various physiotherapy awareness camps for urban, rural and tribal populations. His expertise includes chronic pain management, arthritis rehabilitation, fall prevention program, community based rehabilitation and environmental assessment and modifications. His role involves in teaching, training and mentoring undergraduates and post-graduates’ students. Passionate in clinical research and conducted a wide range of research projects within Community Physiotherapy and teaching and learning domains.

Dr. Mayur Revadkar (PT)
Associate Professor
Dr. Mayur Revadkar is working as Associate Professor in Department of Community Physiotherapy at K J Somaiya College of Physiotherapy. He has teaching experience of 8 years. He has 6 research publications to his credit. Currently he has enrolled as Ph.D. Scholar in Public Health School at TATA Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

Dr. Isha Tajane (PT)
Associate Professor
completed her bachelor of Physiotherapy from PT School and Centre Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur in 2006 and then she completed her Masters in Neurosciences Physiotherapy from All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mumbai in 2009. She is having more than 8 years of clinical and teaching experience. She is committed to rehabilitation of a wide range of pediatrics as well as adult neurological conditions.
She pursues special interest in research to deliver quality patient care by implementing recent advances and evidence based practice for her clients. Her expertise is advanced balance training using computerized equipments such as balance master. She continues to involve herself in various academic and clinical activities for advancing and upgrading her knowledge and skills. She has presented posters and papers in various national and international conferences and has many publications to her credit.