K. J. Somaiya College of Physiotherapy comes under the Somaiya Group of institutions. These are spread out in Somaiya Ayurvihar, Vidyavihar and Nareshwadi to name a few.
Somaiya offers scholarships to help students who need financial aid to pursue their studies in these institutions.
The link to the website is www.scholarships.somaiya.edu

Need based
Based on financial needs.

Merit based
for students who have had good grades in all previous academics.

Research based
to aid students interested in research to enhance research opportunities.

Subjects based
based on subject of interest.

Special interest
Somaiya scholarship complements the need and merit based scholarship programs with a variety of scholarship options suited to different students backgrounds and interest.

The other scholarships that students at Somaiya can apply for are:
Department of Social Justice and Special Assistance, Maharashtra State Government :
http://www.minorityaffairs.gov.in/schemesperformance/scholarship-schemesTribal Development Department :
https://tribal.maharashtra.gov.in/TATA Scholarship :
http://www.tatatrusts.org/article/inside/education-grantsMinority Scholarship :