Examination Structure

  • As per the university rule, college conducts two internal exams- Terminals and Prelims
  • Tentative time table is put up on the respective notice boards one month prior to the exams.
  • Terminal exams are tentatively scheduled immediately after Winter vacations.
  • Prelim exams are tentatively scheduled in 3rd week of March.
  • Internal assessment is calculated as per the university rules.
Examination Reforms
  • Earlier practical marks were sent manually to university. Now the practical marks are entered on the university portal
  • Earlier CCTV cameras were not there for theory paper correction. Now CCTV cameras are installed

Following is the list of subjects and their marks in all the years.

All subjects have terminal and prelim exam
Subject Theory Practicals Internal assessment
Theory Practicals
      Theory Practicals
Human Anatomy 80 80 20 20
Human Physiology 80 80 20 20
Biochemistry 40 - 10 -
Fundamentals of Kinesiology 80 80 20 20
Fundamentals of Electrotherapy 80 80 20 20